Satellite Feeds

Wednesday Nights Satellites (that rhymes)
7th-12th grade students meet Wednesday evenings, 6:30-7:45pm, @ Planet Old School (the old Elementary, 101 West Pecan). We hang out, play some games, worship, and learn stuff about God, like who He is and how we can live for Him. Sound good? NO, it sounds great! for more info.

Small Group Bible Study Sunday morning, 10:45(after "big church") in the youth room. Small groups are a time to learn, hear, and be heard without pressure or criticism. Ask anything you want...yes anything...even that. So don't miss it, Sunday morning, 10:45(after "big church") in the youth room


Friday, July 18, 2008

Sunday, July 6, 2008

New Mexico Mission Trip 08

So what can I say, this mission trip was AWESOME. I saw God do great things in the lives of our students, in those we were serving, and in my own life. So many good times, so many memories, so many “God moments”, I wish we were still there. And while we can’t be in New Mexico we CAN be on mission for God right here at home, we can pray for and remember those that we served. Those of us who went can be an encouragement to one another, to help us remember that what we saw and experienced REALLY HAPPENED, and that this was not just another week of the summer.
Also, for you guys who were there on the trip; that weird feeling that you have of missing someone that you only knew for a week, and feeling that sense of absence of family for those that you served with, I feel it too, lol, I think it’s cool. I look forward to the next time we can get together with the message and cause of Christ in mind….Can’t wait…love ya’ll!
And if you didn’t make the trip, I encourage you to pray about getting to a place where you are ready for something like this, or as ready as you can be, lol. It’s not just about “the week” it’s about the life that the week can ignite.
At the end of the day it’s all about Jesus, who never ceases to amaze us. Getting closer to Him and identifying with Him in new ways. To HIM be the honor and glory forever!
Thanks for reading,