Satellite Feeds

Wednesday Nights Satellites (that rhymes)
7th-12th grade students meet Wednesday evenings, 6:30-7:45pm, @ Planet Old School (the old Elementary, 101 West Pecan). We hang out, play some games, worship, and learn stuff about God, like who He is and how we can live for Him. Sound good? NO, it sounds great! for more info.

Small Group Bible Study Sunday morning, 10:45(after "big church") in the youth room. Small groups are a time to learn, hear, and be heard without pressure or criticism. Ask anything you want...yes anything...even that. So don't miss it, Sunday morning, 10:45(after "big church") in the youth room


Thursday, August 20, 2009

Monday, August 17, 2009


This week we will end our Wednesday night, "tour of pools" :) at the home of the Roberts family, 515 Kerfoot, Gunter TX.
Join us for some food, fun, swimming, and a word from the Word. 6:30 to 8pm.

The following Wednesday we will be back at Planet Old School, every Wednesday from 6:30 to 7:45. This school year we will begin making meals more of a special event rather than the weekly norm, so make sure you feed your face BEFORE you come to youth!