Satellite Feeds

Wednesday Nights Satellites (that rhymes)
7th-12th grade students meet Wednesday evenings, 6:30-7:45pm, @ Planet Old School (the old Elementary, 101 West Pecan). We hang out, play some games, worship, and learn stuff about God, like who He is and how we can live for Him. Sound good? NO, it sounds great! for more info.

Small Group Bible Study Sunday morning, 10:45(after "big church") in the youth room. Small groups are a time to learn, hear, and be heard without pressure or criticism. Ask anything you want...yes anything...even that. So don't miss it, Sunday morning, 10:45(after "big church") in the youth room


Thursday, September 17, 2009

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

New Series: SKEPTIC

Let's be honest, our culture is skeptic of everything, and Christianity is no exception. Our students are either skeptic, or living in a world of skeptics. Either way we need to put to rest some doubts and equip others to do the same. Join us on Wednesday nights as we seek to address difficult issues regarding Christianity.

Ever had these thoughts?
• Christianity just seems like a way to make sure no one is having any fun, and God is the ultimate fun police.
• Surely there can't just ONE WAY to God!
• If God is loving there wouldn’t be a hell.
Join us for these and more, Wednesday nights 6:30 -7:45

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

GIANT UNDERWEAR. This week Roy talked about John the Baptist and how he had to decrease in order for christ to increase. He also compared giant underwear to humility by saying "You have to have it, but just don't show it." Worship was really moving and Rafter Ball was rockin'!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009