Satellite Feeds

Wednesday Nights Satellites (that rhymes)
7th-12th grade students meet Wednesday evenings, 6:30-7:45pm, @ Planet Old School (the old Elementary, 101 West Pecan). We hang out, play some games, worship, and learn stuff about God, like who He is and how we can live for Him. Sound good? NO, it sounds great! for more info.

Small Group Bible Study Sunday morning, 10:45(after "big church") in the youth room. Small groups are a time to learn, hear, and be heard without pressure or criticism. Ask anything you want...yes anything...even that. So don't miss it, Sunday morning, 10:45(after "big church") in the youth room


Thursday, November 19, 2009

What up? This is Helen! I have a lot of stuff to say so listen up! Last night Casey gave her testimony and we played some kind of game involving beach balls and a cardboard tube. Alright, so we have a lot of stuff this week so here's a heads up...

~ The mission trip! This Friday! Meet at the church to load up and head out!
~ Everette Robertson, my cousin from Africa, is coming to speak to you guys on Sunday morning. It's going to be good!
~ The Watoto children's choir is coming Wednesday, December 2nd so come to the youth room and then we will all go to the Sanctuary.

Peace out!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Casey did a great job last night talking to us about evangelism. Worship was really good and the smell was even better. Don't forget church at 9:00 and sunday night bible study!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Everyone was in jolly spirits at youth last night. We playethed some Princess, night, ridereth and Casey talked of evangelism and howeth to introduce God to your friends.