Satellite Feeds

Wednesday Nights Satellites (that rhymes)
7th-12th grade students meet Wednesday evenings, 6:30-7:45pm, @ Planet Old School (the old Elementary, 101 West Pecan). We hang out, play some games, worship, and learn stuff about God, like who He is and how we can live for Him. Sound good? NO, it sounds great! for more info.

Small Group Bible Study Sunday morning, 10:45(after "big church") in the youth room. Small groups are a time to learn, hear, and be heard without pressure or criticism. Ask anything you want...yes anything...even that. So don't miss it, Sunday morning, 10:45(after "big church") in the youth room


Sunday, September 5, 2010

"Who's moon is that"?....."That's God's moon."

What up students!?! Jason Carney here. Lets revisit some of the special award-winning moments at youth this past Wed....

We played a game with spoons & funyuns & teams, of which my team was the worst.
Did we give a name to this game? I nominate "spoonyun".

Have y'all had time to consider any of the stuff we talked about?
There was that one cricket who seemed very interested in what I was saying.

Look back through some of those verses:

Genesis 1 = The account of God creating the Earth. The astronauts read this in that video I played...

Hebrews 11:3 = That by our faith we understand that God created the universe.

Job, Chapters 38-42 = Where God has something to say to us about His creation.

Read these verses & then look around you. What do you see?
"Remember your Creator in the days of your youth,..." -Ecclesiastes 12

I hope you all have a great week & I can't wait to see you next Wednesday, where we can hopefully have more fun doing stuff that is fun to do on Wednesday at youth. Know what I'm sayin'?

"There is no 'dark side of the moon' really, matter of fact, it's all dark, it's just the sun that makes it look light."- from Pink Floyd's "The Dark Side of the Moon"

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